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What are the significant physical characteristics of sodium sulfide?

作者:SHANDONG HENGTAI CHEMICAL CO.,LTD 发布时间:2018-4-24 本文被阅读 857 次


In addition to the use of chemical products for the production and production of any chemical products, we know that the use of sodium sulphide is very good at understanding the basic physical properties.

In addition to the use of chemical products in the production and production of any chemical products, we know that the use of sodium sulphide is very good at the basic physical properties. What physical properties are there in the use of sodium?

First of all, sodium sulfide is a substance with odor. Because its solubility is relatively active, sodium sulfide manufacturers have introduced that sodium sulfide is also very soluble in cold water. Of course, it is very soluble in hot water and slightly soluble in alcohol. . In fact, for some different industrial products, it is generally a mixture of different crystal waters, and will contain different degrees of impurities. In addition to different appearance colors, density, melting point, boiling point, etc. are also affected by impurities.

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